Monday, June 10, 2013

Long Weekend Countdown Commentary

Morning and after waking @ 9am this morning it's definitely a long weekend. First up let's look at the new entries from last night's Long Weekend style Countdown.  The highest was NZ songbird, Lorde. With two singles in the countdown now she is one popular lady. "Tennis Court" is the name of the follow up to "Royals", take a listen below:

Major Lazer and the most crazy song of 2013 thus far "Bubble Butt" with a team of guests and the worlds weirdest and funniest music videos right now. Take a look below and warning, it's wild:

Two Aussie new entries made up the grand total of four new songs in the Countdown with Boy and Bear's new song making it in @ 19:

Rounding up the 20 was Mr Powderfinger himself, Bernard Fanning with the lead single from his second album "Departures" which was released on Friday. There were some big new Aussie albums released last Friday and up after this Bernard tune I will preview them:

Before I get to the new releases Mr Fanning also did well in the Hottest 100 of the last 20 years. For my reactions click here for part one and here for part two. For the full list click here.

Now onto last week's mega releases:

Mr Wolfmother, Andrew Stockdale released his solo album (or some press suggest "his" third album - that is if you include the two Wolfmother albums as his) titled Keep Moving, take a listen below:

Jagwar Ma are getting lot's of coverage in the UK at present (and rightfully so) here is a look at their debut album "Howlin":

And finally of the three Aussie albums is Mr Fanning mentioned above, with the long awaited solo album "Departures", "Battleships" has received a lot of play on JJJ but sold poorly on iTunes. So let's see how the album goes, as for the past Powderfinger were always more of an album band. Here is another look at "Departures":

The big new Aussie release this week is Empire of the Sun's follow up to their massive debut of Nick Littlemore and Luke Steele making sweet music. Apparently in a US publication they are Australia's answer to MGMT, if that's the case let's hope they are not one album wonders.

The album will be featured on JJJ and here is a wee taste below:

Tomorrow what tune will I shine the spotlight on for the Tight Ass Tuesday Tune Day, Bookmark, favourite me, whatever to find out.

Happy Queens Birthday.

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